Sunday, 25 March 2012

Happiest Holidays!-14

    On December 3rd the doctors were finally completely happy with Jeremy so we were discharged home. It was such a lovely feeling after four long months of being in the hospital (with the exception of the 9 days home in October) to finally go home! And what better time to go then at Christmas time? To top it off, Brent was still off work because we still didn't know what was going to be the outcome with Jeremy, so we also had some time to just be a family all together again!!


All ready to go home!

 The month of December was filled with goodness and happiness. We did a lot of fun family things and we also got an MRI done on the 6th which told us that everything looked great!! The new plan was to alternate between a round of ICE and a round of VAC. This meant that we would be alternating between an aggressive chemo and a "reduced" chemo and that the reduced chemo would give us more time to be home. So providing that Jeremy's counts were okay, he would start VAC the following Friday and would get it for the next three Fridays as an outpatient. And then three weeks after that he would get a round of ICE and it would carry on in this fashion. We had plenty to celebrate and be thankful for!! This was the best Christmas present ever!

Getting better acquainted with cousin Addison.

Go to Nana and Grampa's for dinner

Nana so excited to have all of her grandchildren together in one place!!

Oma gets her snuggles in before they leave for five months to go to Mexico

Totally chilled with aunty Tanya (she's so snuggly!)  

Buy our Christmas tree and decorate Gingerbread houses

Chloe coming in to give Jeremy a big smooch!

At the park

At the hospital for a round of VAC

Jeremy hamming it up with aunty Courtney

Go with the whole family (Brent's side) to Vandusen Gardens
Chloe gets her picture taken with her favorite character, the "Grunch"

Pictures with Santa. Couldn't get one with both of them smiling at the same time!

At the park again!

Christmas Eve at Nana and Grampas. Open some of the presents...

Toby gets a cuddle in early Christmas day

Opening presents on Christmas morning

Despite the fact that he can now easily roll over onto his back from his stomach, he still does NOT enjoy tummy time!

Watching tv in my bumbo

Morning snuggles in mom and dad's bed

Have cereal for the first time and aside from the fact that it totally makes me gag, I kinda like it!

I heart eggnogg!

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