On June 14th Jeremy had his first follow-up appointment. This mass under his arm appeared to be growing and the doctor was questioning whether it was a blood clot. He decided it would be best to do an MRI to determine what exactly was under Jeremy's arm. The MRI was booked for June 22 at 1145. After speaking with the anesthetist, as a routine procedure, we figured this MRI would not be much of a big deal and that Jeremy would sleep comfortably through the whole thing and then we would go home after and await his results.
Unfortunately, things are not always so easy with Jeremy. At 18 days old, he was already an adrenaline junkie. He did go in for his MRI as planned. But instead of taking 20 minutes like we were told, it took them 2 1/2 hours to complete the MRI. Brent and I anxiously paced the hospital grounds as we awaited results. We were told that Jeremy did not tolerate the procedure of being lightly sedated. He desatted to the low 80's (this is your oxygen saturation, meaning the oxygen circulating his body was not at 96-100% where it should be) and his blood pressure dropped significantly. Jeremy had to be intubated and was put on a ventilator. It was shocking to see our tiny baby with a huge tube coming out of his mouth and for him to be unresponsive.
We were also told that the MRI showed that the mass was growing and the involvement with his heart was getting greater. Fifty percent of the blood was being shunted back through this mass via a major artery, instead of circulating through his body. This was causing Jeremy to get an enlarged heart as it worked ever the harder to try to keep up.
After spending a long night in the ICU, we took Jeremy home with plans to bring him back to the hospital on the 30th of June to have the mass removed. It was decided that since the mass now had so much involvement with his heart, it would be better to do surgery.